Bernardo Barreiro

Bernardo Barreiro

My name is Bernardo Barreiro, I'm 23 years old and I'm from Alcobaça.
I have a degree in Marketing Management from IPAM Lisbon and I am completing a postgraduate degree in Protocol and Event Management from the European University, in Lisbon.
I work at R Biente, a recycling company, where we present solutions at the most different market levels, when it comes to providing global waste management services.
My interest in joining R Biente was, on one hand, the opportunity I was given to help develop the company's commercial area, and on the other hand, the increasingly importance of taking care of our environment.
At the same time, I have been cultivating a passion for the events area for around five years, accumulating experience in organizing corporate events, themed parties and lectures. This interest led me to open my own business, through which I have developed several projects in this sector.
I am extremely excited about this event, which will take place in an exceptional location and promises to be truly memorable.