Dr Rui Mendes
Scientific and professional profile and career.
Academic Title and Degrees:
a. Academic title of Aggregate in Sport Sciences - Motor Control and Learning (University of Trás os Montes e Alto-Douro, 2020-06-24)
b. 3 yr Ph.D. in Human Movement Sciences - Motor Behaviour (University of Lisbon, 1996-1999)
c. 2 yr MSc in Motor Development (University of Lisbon, 1992-1994),
d. 5 yr BSc in Physical Education (University of Lisbon, 1985-1990).
Polytechnic University of Coimbra / Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra (IPC), Portugal:
1. Coimbra School of Education - Escola Superior de Educação:
a. Full Professor - Principal Coordinating Professor
b. Scientific Group of Sport Sciences and Kinetics - Coordinator
c. Applied Sport Sciences Research Unit (ASSERT) / Unidade de Investigação Aplicada em Ciências do Desporto (UNICID) - Director
d. Early Motor Development and Play - MSc Degree Professor
e. Scientific Board member
2. Institute of Applied Research (i2A) / Instituto de Investigação Aplicada - IPC:
a. Laboratory ROBOCORP - Researcher
b. i2A Scientific Board member
Research and development (R&D) Unit - Foundation for Science and Technology:
1. SPRINT - Sport Physical activity and health Research & INnovation CenTer / Centre for research and innovation in sport, physical activity and health - Human Motor Behaviour and Sport Performance Research Group Coordinator and Researcher
2. Ciper - Centro Interdisciplinar de Performance Humana / Interdisciplinary centre for the study of human performance (University of Coimbra and University of Lisbon) - Researcher collaborator
REDESPP - Rede de Escolas com Formação em Desporto do Ensino Superior Politécnico Público / Network of Schools with Training in Sports of Public Polytechnic Higher Education - President